5 Things You Can Do to Support Your IVF Cycle

elissa pelling

Embarking on an IVF journey is a significant decision that often follows years of effort and consideration. While many strategies for natural conception apply, preparing for IVF involves unique steps to optimize outcomes and increase your chances of success. 1. Take Time to Prepare  If you’ve been diligent with preconception care or your natural conception…

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Acupuncture for Labor Induction


Acupuncture for Labor Induction and Pre-birth Acupuncture – What’s the Difference? Clinically I see a number of women each week towards the end of pregnancy who are keen to try to avoid a medical induction, and others who want to minimise the chance of losing their place in our local hospital midwifery program at 42…

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Acupuncture for Urinary Incontinence


No one really wants to chat about their bladder issues, they are generally not considered appropriate small talk or a conversation starter. I spend a lot of time talking with women about all sorts of personal stuff, yet bladder problems still seem to be one of those things that we are most reluctant to talk…

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Endometriosis Awareness


March is Endometriosis Awareness month. It’s been in the limelight a bit over this past year, but, given it affects at least 1 in 10 women, it deserves its own month.  It’s one of the most common things I see in clinic as it features when I am working with women around fertility and also…

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How to Prepare for an IVF Cycle

improve your ivf cycle

How to Prepare for an IVF cycle 5 Tips to Improve Your Chance of Success Commencing IVF is big journey that can stretch couples financially, physically, emotionally, and often comes after the stress of several years of attempting to conceive naturally. If you are investigating IVF or commencing on a cycle, here are my top…

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